Saturday 28 October 2017

Product Advertisement Half-Term Assignment

The product we chose to advertise in our campaign is a trainer, for sport activities, fashion or just for casual wear. I will explain how we are going to inform, persuade and sell our product by using persuasive elements and what will distinguish ours from others.

Our campaign looks to inform, persuade and sell to the general public by using methods to target our most receptive audience with certain traits (also called target advertising), based on the our product, so in that case any age, gender, ethnicity or religion, however those more interested in sports or casual wear. the Traits we will look for in demographic would only be economic status and income level as we wish to make our trainers affordable and available to as many people as we can. And for our campaign we will also use psychographic values to target our desired audience such as our costumers values, personality, attitudes, opinions, lifestyles and interests as i feel this will be essential in finding the right audience for our product for the most effected sales. We will also take in behavioural variables, such as their recent activity. We use are using all these variables to find costumers who are likely to have a strong preference and will receive the message of our product instead of those who have no interest.

The different platforms for our advertisements would use traditional forms such as billboards, newspapers and magazines to make sure the older costumers and those who do not have access to many access to electronic devices are taken into consideration to reach as wide a audience as we can, but for our main source of advertisement we will look to advertise online. This is due to information and communication technology developing greatly over the recent years resulting in a wider audience on ICT technologies such as the internet, mobile environments and social medias, these forms of media are the most important as its where the largest demographic stands, mostly consisting of younger people such as teens, children and also young adults. These demographics spend huge amounts of time on the internet and social medias, making it the most beneficial media to advertise your product on. 

So to persuade our large audience we will need to make our advertisement stand out above all to achieve maximum exposure so that means using some sort of a aspect of humour to be a entertaining but also a serious depiction of our trainers performance which means our ad can than resonate with those who want the trainer to improve there capabilities to there full potential to really show our products worth and what it actually has to offer costumers, even with the design of our trainers, its to captivate audiences into fashion but also make our product more efficient for its uses in sports to really sell our product as not being a waste but instead to persuade them to understand that its a valuable investment into helping themselves achieve their various goals to make themselves more confident. And finally we must make our advertisements relatable overall as in the end thats whats gonna earn our audiences trust, respect and attention.

To do this we must use various visual and audio techniques. For our visual techniques we were to use different scenes of different people, such as different ages, ethnicity, religion and gender, and even body type as this is to consider every possible person in our audience when watching the ad to make them feel involved and not left out or discriminated, this will also create a bigger audience. We also wish to show all the different people wearing our trainer during the ad, this is to sell our main product to the audience as we will show these people participating in different sports as well as a scenes of some of them doing casual activities or hobbies, this is to show the audience that our trainer is not only for sport but for casual wear too. also their will be captions on screen spelling out the slogans that will be heard throughout whilst cutting scenes for each person, it would sound like this:

Person 1: anyone can succeed

Person 2: in your passion
Person 3: if you work for it
Person 4: and believe in yourself

and so on..

each slogan is read out in each different scene this is to persuade the audience to become more confident in their passion and inspired to improve, and our product will help them complete those goals. Other audio codes we will use will be things such as inspiring and exiting music to really get our audiences interested in our ad to gain their full attention, and finally a closing scene with just our trainer in the spotlight to draw all attention from the previous scenes onto the shoe to help the audience focus on our product to be the last thing they see before it ends to achieve a desire for our product.

An example of how our ad would be presented is similar to this Nike ad shown below. however in the Nike ad they didn't advertise there products as much as we would've in our own.

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