Wednesday 4 October 2017

Independent Assignment - TV advertisement campaign

The TV Advertisement campaign i have chosen to analyse is the Nike 'Come out of Nowhere' ad:

The target audience of this Nike ad would mainly be focused on someone of any age however it would target more people interested in sports, this is nike being mainly directed towards sport equipment or sport efficient clothing, this theme of sports is mainly shown through the basketball star featured in the video, Lebron James. I think this message is conveyed very well throughout the advert, the message being to strive to become the best despite failure to keep trying to succeed, this is shown from the recurring sentence ''it is not supposed to be here'' showing the boy to be insecure about his poor basketball skill compared to the other kids and than he says ''yes, you would be told that you'll be one of the great someday. The ad also repeats the words 'take chances'. I feel as if this ad is very convincing to inspire and relate to everyday people the audience watching the ad although i don't think it is very effective in selling nikes products. However you could say that due to this relatable ad of how you must make mistakes to improve and succeed, this is something everyone can relate too in one way or another, so maybe this could be used for people to share a bond with this ad and than maybe even the nike brand in general by knowing and relating to the thoughts of the audience. This can help build trust in the nike brand than leading to sales in their products whilst being convinced to strive to be the best they can be.

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