Film name: Static
Film Tag line: dead signal
Trailer story line:
- anonymous link sent to group of students through social media.
- hacker/spirit with guy Fawkes mask takes over their devices discretely after students unknowingly download the sent link.
- Students phones begin to act strange, becoming slow and producing a slow gradual growing static sound.
- Some students attempt to buy new phone however, static sound is still produced on the new device. Due to this most of the students just turn their phone off.
- When students are alone their phones turn on by themselves and the static sound grows stronger in a quick succession, becoming louder and louder until the screen becomes white and a image of the guy Fawkes mask appears on the screen.
- (2 possible death outcomes) The static from the phone then causes them to collapse and have a seizure. Alternatively, anonymous individual appears behind the student wearing the guy Fawkes mask and then proceeds to murder them using a knife.
Fatal link sent by a crazy, mentally unstable hacker, downloads virus and causes students phones to go haywire, ruining their lives and producing a static signal driving them insane resulting in their inevitable death.
- The Ring
- Scream
- Unfriended
The Genre of the film is a Horror.
The Target audience of the Film is 15+ because there are students that are 16 years old in the trailer.
The settings that will be used are college, park and the alley way (next to Danny's chip shop)
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