Thursday 30 November 2017

Advertising of a image and a moving image

The charity image i have chosen to analyse is an advertisement poster for a campaign against gun violence in the US by a organisation called 'Moms demand action!'. The posters visual codes show one child holding a kinder egg and another holding a firearm, this is quite disturbing imagery which could strike fear in the audience, however, this can intrigue an audience to support the campaign. At the top of the poster a slogan is showed which reads ''One child is holding something thats been banned in America to protect them. Guess Which one'', this is highly persuasive as us as the audience know which item is legal in the US which would be the firearm. This poster challenges their governments logic to expose its corruption as we see find out a kinder egg (something that is not known to be a danger to society) is banned in the US rather then a firearm which result in many deaths yearly. This way of advertisement is more hard selling as it shocks the audience into doubting their safety within their own society. The layout of the poster is less taken up by script and more by the image itself and the slogan right above the main focus point (the children)as they are trying to get there point across to the audience in the most direct and efficient way possible. Lastly, the colour the poster is dull, no bright colours or monochrome. I can infer that they have done this to achieve a more serious tone to persuade the audience to realise how serious the matter at hand is.

The moving image i have chosen to analyse is a charity advertisement for a campaign to prevent extreme poverty globally by the organisation 'Oxfam GB'. This video shows visual codes of representation such as different religion, race, age and gender, this is to give a coded message of unity to persuade the audience that what's best for the world as a whole is to work together to gain a more prosperous global society. Furthermore, this goal of unity is shown continuously whereas other charity videos have the same visual dark monochrome tones, and audio codes such as sad, slow and emotional music, this is to guilt trip the audience into believing their just cause. However, this video brings a different take, as instead of a dark visual tone you get bright colours, and instead of sad audio you get more upbeat inspirational music playing, this is a coded message to show the audience of how life is for all these countries across the world if we support these charities rather then showing grim imagery that depresses the audience into donating. This ad gives a positive tone to the situation and also gives hope to the audience to a better and more prosperous future. Additionally, i can infer that the visual code of the people from different cultural backgrounds and the text shown in the beginning ''The countdown to ending extreme poverty has begun, and here's how we can achieve it'' persuades the audience to realise that it isn't only countries such as Africa or India that experience poverty but even in our society as we see a British and an American included in supporting the campaign and this shows the audience us that our societies are also effected by poverty and this is why they should finally achieve this goal and act upon it to finally rid society of this limitation.

In this ad were also multiple close ups of each of the different people, this may have been to capture each person in each of their unique ways and keep it equal between them or just so the cause/point of the ad was shown more directly to the audience as if your looking eye to eye with these people and so the audience can sympathise with their opinions and emotions. In the ad we also see techniques such as iconic representation and celebrity endorsement by the white American male seen in the ad. The man is Michael Stevens, an American educator, comedian, speaker, entertainer, editor, and Internet personality best known for creating and hosting the popular education Youtube channel Vsauce which has over 12 million subscribers. The organisation worked together with Michael to help bring a larger demographic/audience to support the cause and trust the company just as this iconic figure has. 

The significant audio codes that can be heard from the dialogue (spoken by the multiple people form different cultural backgrounds) can be heard from those such as when we see a white man who is clearly British who says ''i dont know why we put up with it'', here i can infer from the word 'we; that he includes his own country/society is as much effected by poverty as others are too, linking back to my previous point on the idea of unity. Shortly after we see an white American male and he says ''In just fifteen years extreme poverty has been halved'' then, a young girl says ''in the next fifteen, it could be gone'' they are using statistics as a persuasive tool to shock the audience and some hopeful dialogue to encourage the audience into rethinking just how significant these charities have been to help and support those in need and how much the future could really be improved. Lastly, we get multiple cuts at the end to multiple people as they all chant the word 'together' again tying the whole ad together into a simple but effective message of global unity.

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