Thursday 30 November 2017

Advertising of a image and a moving image

The charity image i have chosen to analyse is an advertisement poster for a campaign against gun violence in the US by a organisation called 'Moms demand action!'. The posters visual codes show one child holding a kinder egg and another holding a firearm, this is quite disturbing imagery which could strike fear in the audience, however, this can intrigue an audience to support the campaign. At the top of the poster a slogan is showed which reads ''One child is holding something thats been banned in America to protect them. Guess Which one'', this is highly persuasive as us as the audience know which item is legal in the US which would be the firearm. This poster challenges their governments logic to expose its corruption as we see find out a kinder egg (something that is not known to be a danger to society) is banned in the US rather then a firearm which result in many deaths yearly. This way of advertisement is more hard selling as it shocks the audience into doubting their safety within their own society. The layout of the poster is less taken up by script and more by the image itself and the slogan right above the main focus point (the children)as they are trying to get there point across to the audience in the most direct and efficient way possible. Lastly, the colour the poster is dull, no bright colours or monochrome. I can infer that they have done this to achieve a more serious tone to persuade the audience to realise how serious the matter at hand is.

The moving image i have chosen to analyse is a charity advertisement for a campaign to prevent extreme poverty globally by the organisation 'Oxfam GB'. This video shows visual codes of representation such as different religion, race, age and gender, this is to give a coded message of unity to persuade the audience that what's best for the world as a whole is to work together to gain a more prosperous global society. Furthermore, this goal of unity is shown continuously whereas other charity videos have the same visual dark monochrome tones, and audio codes such as sad, slow and emotional music, this is to guilt trip the audience into believing their just cause. However, this video brings a different take, as instead of a dark visual tone you get bright colours, and instead of sad audio you get more upbeat inspirational music playing, this is a coded message to show the audience of how life is for all these countries across the world if we support these charities rather then showing grim imagery that depresses the audience into donating. This ad gives a positive tone to the situation and also gives hope to the audience to a better and more prosperous future. Additionally, i can infer that the visual code of the people from different cultural backgrounds and the text shown in the beginning ''The countdown to ending extreme poverty has begun, and here's how we can achieve it'' persuades the audience to realise that it isn't only countries such as Africa or India that experience poverty but even in our society as we see a British and an American included in supporting the campaign and this shows the audience us that our societies are also effected by poverty and this is why they should finally achieve this goal and act upon it to finally rid society of this limitation.

In this ad were also multiple close ups of each of the different people, this may have been to capture each person in each of their unique ways and keep it equal between them or just so the cause/point of the ad was shown more directly to the audience as if your looking eye to eye with these people and so the audience can sympathise with their opinions and emotions. In the ad we also see techniques such as iconic representation and celebrity endorsement by the white American male seen in the ad. The man is Michael Stevens, an American educator, comedian, speaker, entertainer, editor, and Internet personality best known for creating and hosting the popular education Youtube channel Vsauce which has over 12 million subscribers. The organisation worked together with Michael to help bring a larger demographic/audience to support the cause and trust the company just as this iconic figure has. 

The significant audio codes that can be heard from the dialogue (spoken by the multiple people form different cultural backgrounds) can be heard from those such as when we see a white man who is clearly British who says ''i dont know why we put up with it'', here i can infer from the word 'we; that he includes his own country/society is as much effected by poverty as others are too, linking back to my previous point on the idea of unity. Shortly after we see an white American male and he says ''In just fifteen years extreme poverty has been halved'' then, a young girl says ''in the next fifteen, it could be gone'' they are using statistics as a persuasive tool to shock the audience and some hopeful dialogue to encourage the audience into rethinking just how significant these charities have been to help and support those in need and how much the future could really be improved. Lastly, we get multiple cuts at the end to multiple people as they all chant the word 'together' again tying the whole ad together into a simple but effective message of global unity.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Trainer campaign images analysis

For all three my images i have utilized PowerPoint and Photoshop to use my photos to create posters for our trainer brand 'FSE'. Furthermore, i used png images of balls for all two images and paint stroke png for all as i thought this would show how our trainers strive to be fluid between sports but also showing our casual design using the paint stroke theme, i would have used actual sports balls, however i did not have any except a black basketball at my disposal at the time of producing these images. Furthermore to create our logo i utilized Photoshop by using the shape tool to produce three circles, then using Photoshop's fonts i wrote the separate letters F, S and E and place it within he circle, i then changed the colours to fit the design for each shoe photo/poster.

For the first image, i have used my Air Force 1's. This shoe was a good choice for the photo as it shows that our trainers are versatile due to the trainers heavy look to show protection but also comfort. Additionally, the white colour of the shoe also shows our brand can produce appealing trainers which proves they are street/casual wear and  performance enhancing shoes rather then a shoe just optimized for performance. To promote this shoe i turned my photo into a png photo file using the Photoshop pen tool to cut out just the shoe itself and delete the background, however i havnt done this as accurate as possible as you may see white around the shoes in the final product, this is due to my limited skills in Photoshop and this tells me that i should improve. With the png photo of the shoe i then places it into PowerPoint where i places it over a black background with three png photos of a red, green and yellow paint stroke i obtained off google images, this was to make the shoes seem more appealing against the black background i set. I then obtained a png photo of a football and placed it next to the shoe, i decided to use one shoe from a side view angle as i feel this would best suit my layout of making it seem as if the shoe is kicking the ball and it also shows the key features of the 'tick' on the side of the shoe, showing our product to be ascetically appealing aswell as performance enhancing. I then placed our logo at the top in white colour to make it contrast with the black background, i also did the same with our slogan but instead placed it at the bottom right from inspiration off Nike ads.

For my second image, i used my 'Vans Old Skools'. For this photo i utilized a shoe known for its comfortable wear and how versatile it is. This is so the audience can really relate this to our companies desires to achieve the most functional trainer that can be used for any activity the wearer wishes. Furthermore, this design is more suited toward people who are more interested in street/casual wear, although they still wish to have a shoe suited for any activity. For this design i again turned my image of the shoe into a png photo and place it onto the PowerPoint slide where i set the background as a photo of New York city that i obtained from google images, which i turned grayscale. This is to achieve one monochrome design. The photo of new York city as the background was used to convince the audience into relating this certain shoe to a street/casual wear which would be associated with 'city life'. Following the theme i used a white paint stroke; sticking to the monochrome design, to help make the black shoe stand out as the background itself has a natural gradient where the city scape at the bottom has a dark tone and gets lighter as you see the sky. I used this to my advantage and place the shoe amongst the city scape at the bottom with the slogan beside it in black font to match with the shoe against the white paint stroke. I then used black font for the logo and placed it in the top left of the poster as i thought the light grey of the sky would help contrast against the black logo to make it stand out more to the audience. I decided to use one shoe for this design from a side/top angle to give the audience a good scope of the shoe to show the casual design of the shoe and along with the city scape background show the durable streetwear aspect of them aswell.

Lastly, for my third photo I have used my Jordan 13. I used this trainer to represent our brand as i feel as if this shoe can be suited for those who wish for a more performance aspect rather then street/casual wear. This is to cater to all our costumers so we fit every desire and therefore sell more of our product. The 3m reflective material around the the shoe is strictly used for functionality, this is because i wanted to bring attention to the design as this will help with athletes such as runners who wish to run at night or even just everyday wear at night, the reflective material will make you more aware to any passing vehicles increasing user safety which is what our brand wishes to achieve. To produce this image i again turned my photo of the shoes into a png file using the same method with the first shoe, i then followed the same theme and used a blue png paint stroke off google images to place behind the shoe, this is because it stands out on the white background and makes it eye-catching to audiences, following the same precept i increased the saturation on the shoe image to make the blue more prominent to again make it stand out more and blend better with the blue paint stroke. I then took a png photo of a basketball from google and places it beside the shoe to indicate to the audience its functionality in the sport. I placed our logo at the bottom to demonstrate a different design, however, i changed our logo and slogan black to contrast with the white background. I then placed our slogan across the top rather then the usual words being under each other. I decided to use both shoes for this design as i feel these were my most appealing shoes which is why i used them to show this is what our brand provides the consumers, also i used the top side view once again to show the full scope of the shoe to really present the consumers ascetically pleasing design.

Monday 20 November 2017

Music Video Analysis (J.Cole)

For our report we have chosen to use music videos from the artist J.Cole, as in many of his videos he tells a story or addresses issues in society such as crime, drugs, alcohol and depression.

The video i chose to analyse was the music video for ''She Knows''. Firstly, the video starts out with a long shot of a eerie and foggy street which already gives a coded message to the audience to show that this is more of a serious music video rather then a upbeat and fun video. We then get represented with our first main focus of the music video as the audience is then thrown into the life of this young teens life using many close up shots of this character. We get a small look of this teens parents and house, giving us a glimpse of his household life. The audience are shown crosses on walls and on the top of the dresser which gives the audience connotations to the teen having a religious family and therefore possibly as strict family, this is later confirmed as we are shown to first part of dialogue from his father as he aggressively shouts his sons name as he looks for him in the house.

The scene then switches to the boys mother driving him to school, where we hear or see no words being shared between each of them but instead they only give slight glimpses almost as if they are not trying to catch one another's attention. once the boy is dropped off he gives a almost frightened or worried look as he sees his mother drive off, this shows the audience that he either worries for his mother or it could even show signs of domestic abuse. After this scene the tone switches from the dark and gloomy atmosphere that was set in the beginning, to a more bright and fun atmosphere as we see the boy reunite with his friend as they set off to mess around and have fun instead of going school, this shows us he is a misbehaved character which could suggest the stress and depression from home effects him to then do acts such as this.

Later in the two boys adventures we see them consuming drugs as we are shown them to smoking and one of the boys then proceeds to vomit. They are then shown to go to a arcade followed up by them trespassing on private property to skate and also drink alcohol. Things then become more fast paced and tense as we then see the two boys manage to escape and avoid arrest from a police officer as he chases them. These actions also suggest its his coping method to the depression he has built up from his depression. As the two boys sigh in relief they look back at it in humour and return home. Once the boy gets home the atmosphere changes back to the dark monochrome colours showing the boys decent back into this dark corrupt atmosphere. The audience are then treated to a grim scene where the mother is scene to be with another man rather then his father. In this scene the music pauses creating a very serious and tense atmosphere. The boy then says no words as his mother begins to panic in surprise, only for them to just storm out the house and run away along with his friend. From this scene the audience could also suggest that the fathers strict religious lifestyle takes a toll on the mother as well as the boy, resulting in her cheating on the father.

The music video ends on a very disturbing and eerie scene as we see the family all around the table prepared to eat dinner as the father begins to say grace whilst the son and mother give each other indirect stares due to the son previously witnessing his mother cheating. This scene is immensely tense as this corrupt household contrasts to the strict religious family as instead of telling the truth, the kid does not expose his mother for what she's done but instead stays silent whilst's the prayer plays in background as the music fades silent. This audio code is effective as the prayer in the background contrasts with the dark scene making this a very disturbing but realistically grim.

Overall, the actual artist himself J.Cole is represented in quite a negative way in his short-lived scene where he is discovered to be the mothers affair. This shows this he might have wanted to show the audience that he is a alpha male but also there are many connotations in this video that this boys perspective could have been J.Cole himself and his past dark experiences, his family problems, struggles and his life as a delinquent back when he was younger.

Monday 6 November 2017

How do different news papers cover the same event?

For my assignment i will use the political event 'Brexit' newspaper coverage by outlets such as the guardian, daily mail and the times. I will see how these different news outlets cover the same event. I have chosen covers that saw Brexit as a necessary means of improving Britain and also covers that see the end result of Brexit in a positive light or those that see Brexit as a means to destroy Britain's economy.

Firstly, from the source above you can see that they are for the Brexit movement and see it in a positive light. As in the cover you see the British politician Nigel Farage on the front cover with him looking rather exited due to the outcome of Brexit, above him is the large bold words 'WE'RE OUT!' in this headline it makes their view of the event seem clear and the words we're out has connotations to being locked up so the daily mail is persuading the readers that if we were to continue to be in the European union it would be as if Britain were in a prison and restricted of freedom, the bold title is also eye-catching and will bring more attention to their coverage. Furthermore, the text also stands out more, which is used to gain a larger audience and therefore more people to send their coded message too. This event is the only news coverage on the front page as they wanted to shift all focus to the Brexit event this was it being a relevant and most indulging event at the time that they knew would captivate readers to read their newspaper.

On the other hand, these two sources above are against the Brexit movement as the first cover from The Guardian has the headline ''Obama: Brexit would put UK at back of the queue on trade'', from this statement you can see that they are against the Brexit movement and the guardian has used the opinion from a very powerful influence (the president of the united states) they have done this to sway the audience in there favour as if they see such a person of high power go against the movement. Also the actual statement of the headline is outlining that Brexit will cause financial problems for Britain's economy, this is too somewhat frighten the audience which is to gain a larger audience by exaggerating a story. Furthermore, on the other newspaper cover from the news outlet The Times they do they same strategy by slightly exaggerating the story to frighten the audience, this is due to the headline stating ''Brexit puts jobs at risk, say 200 business chiefs''. Here The Times is using a problem very prominent in todays society due to the sensitive subject of limited jobs for British citizens, this might anger and frighten the audience to be convinced that preventing Brexit is the right direction.