Monday, 25 June 2018

The Fall & Luther Comparison

In The Fall it uses many camera shots such as close-ups, long-shots, pov shots, god perspective shots and tracking shots. The editing of the camera angles matches the pace of the slow narrative. The mis en scene of this series is dark in tone and is much more serious then luther. Furthermore, in the fall the villain is shown to be more attractive, normal and human rather then just a evil and unattractive person with no regard for life, this is due to the villain being revealed to have a family with two young children. This somewhat makes the audience sympathise with this villain however, the audience still have to see him as a villain due to his violent acts and crimes that the audience know he has committed. Luther also uses close-ups, long-shots and tracking shots. however, instead of it being slow paced, the editing follows the action the character is in and is fast paced. Also, unlike the more humanely portrait murderer in the fall, in Luther the villain is shown to be a heartless person who has no regard for life, she is intelligent, deceptive and is more discrete with her crimes rather the killer from the fall who is not discrete and is more aggressive and direct rather then plotting his murder to try prevent him getting caught. In Luther, the actor Idris Elba is the main protagonist of the story being the investigator, this is iconography as he is a well known respected actor which will draw an audience in to watch it. In the Fall, iconography is shown mostly through the murderer in this show, this is because he is the well known actor Jamie Dornan who is commonly regarded as being handsome, which again relates to the idea of him being the unexpected villain of the story.

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