Wednesday 27 September 2017

60 second video project

For my 60 second video i have decided to talk about myself mainly, such as my various hobbies and activities i enjoy to do in my spare time. I than begin to talk about facts about myself such as my past in rugby, my pets and siblings. I than finish the video by explaining why exactly i chose media to give the viewers an insight into why i thought it would be a interesting subject to study. 

What i used to film my video was my Samsung J5 phone camera, it was all i could use at the time due ti my limited resources however I'm satisfied with the final result. To make my video less tedious to watch, i added an instrumental which i voice-over using non diegetic sound to give the information about myself, as i thought it would make my video more interesting to listen too, which would also represent my creative side.

 For the post production techniques of the music and text i used multiple apps from the google play store, this was due to me having no video editing software as well as little knowledge in video editing, the phone application made it much more simplified and easier to add the music in the background and the different text that appears throughout the video. For the video i used a medium close-up, also known as the 'newsreader shot', i set my phone camera at this distance i thought it would be the best option as i felt as if too close it would uncomfortable to watch and too far would be to disorienting to watch if I'm directly talking about myself to the audience. For the lighting, i used a lamp from my parents room which i than turned over onto its side so the light would be directed toward my face which is the main focal point of the video as when someone is speaking directly to the readers they should be able to clearly see there faces to help the construction of the message i was sending. Also for the visual codes used, colours  for my video where strategically planned as i used a dark background, and for myself a light focusing on me and also wearing a blue hoodie with a bold graphic on it to make me stand out more form the background which would again help the viewers focus more on me during the video.

The audio code i used in the background 'Bank Account' by 21 Savage was used to convey my narrative as the song itself represents my personality in a way, my liking to RnB and Hip Hop gives the viewers a extra insight into what type of person is shown. Also i perform very mild gestures whilst i give the information but i also use some iconography when i make the slight humorous jokes in my text shown to point out my mistakes and also at the end of my video revealing to the audience that i did not edit the video using computer software but instead a phone application further increasing the self deprecating humour, these where some of the language features i used, my informal mode of address.

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